Drone data typically starts out as a collection of images (usually a lot of images) that were carefully collected according to a set of specifications particular to the type of job. 

Those images become the key ingredient for creating something much more and what is ultimately business intelligence (or aerial intelligence in the drone industry).

Drone data is:





Processed. Hundreds or even thousands of images are identified, arranged, and /or stitched together to create an organized, usable, and cohesive data set.

Measured. Drone data is often processed into data products that can be accurately geolocated and/or measured, similar to a map or computer model. Thermal imagery also enables temperature measurements.

Analyzed. With drone data, you can derive insights like classifying the severity of damage on a wind turbine blade, the degree of degradation of insulators, and whether solar panel damage is at the string, module, or sub-module level.

Data collection:

The concept of working on drone data has recently made waves in the geospatial sector, professionals have realized the reliability and cost-effectiveness of data collected using an unmanned aerial vehicle in a safe manner. Land surveyors, in particular, are getting exposed to more options that an unmanned drone is providing them.
Having said all that, a major factor of effectively using data collected by a drone is processing it efficiently. Gathering data using drone might just take a flight but processing it and making it actionable is yet another story.

Drone data is processed using the technique called Digital Photogrammetry. The word photogrammetry is derived from: photo — meaning “picture”, and grammetry — meaning “measurement”. It is a science of obtaining measurements such as length, area, volume etc from an image.
Processing information collected by an unmanned aerial vehicle is broadly a three-step process:

1.Structure From Motion (SFM)

2.Multi-View Stereo (MVS)

3.Images rectification

These processes can be further understood into following sub-pages.

Structure From Motion (SFM)

Multi-View Stereo (MVS)

Images rectification

Drone Flight Training & Data Analysis